Energy monitoring leads to energy efficiency
Implementing an Emsol energy monitoring programme allows your business to focus on energy efficiency – you can’t manage what you haven’t measured.Energy monitoring and targeting provides managers with important feedback on operating practices, the results of energy management projects and guidance on the level of energy use. Reduction of electricity usage during peak demand periods can also dramatically reduce your organisation’s electricity costs.
Emsol monitoring and targeting initiatives include:
• measuring your energy use and costs
• analysing your energy use data
• comparing your energy use with your productivity
• setting cost reduction targets
• setting energy efficiency targets
• tailoring an energy performance report that suits your business needs – energy use; cost relevance to production and building area; energy price comparisons; energy costs ($); electricity network prices and electricity ‘energy’ prices.
As part of this, Emsol looks at:
• essential benchmarks to ‘manage what you use’
• cost patterns
• where the inconsistencies are
• savings opportunities
• opportunities for continuous improvement.